The book is finally here
So after almost three years of work my book is finally ready to be released upon the world. All the finally bits of editing have been done, a few tiny mistakes corrected and the cover all polished up to look its very best. The book is 100% finished.

Unfortunately due to some annoying US tax issues I can’t actually sell you a copy just yet…and so I am going to do the next best thing, I am going to give it away for free!!!!
To celebrate the impending release of the book I am going to have a competition so that some of you lucky people can get your hands on a copy completely free of charge. All you need to do is answer the simple question below and the first three correct answers drawn from a hat will all win a copy of the book. What’s more the first correct answer drawn from the hat will also win a Skeptical Protection Mug and a Skeptical Toolkit T-shirt* as well. I mean who wouldn’t want to win all this stuff???
But wait, it gets crazier. While there can only be three winners of a hard copy of the book I don’t want the rest of you to go away empty handed. And so, for a limited time only, I am going to give away the entire book, yes every single page of it, completely free of charge in PDF format. I’ll even throw in the bonus chapters as well. Just click here or head over to the Books page right now and you can download the whole shooting sherbang for yourself, and what’s more I give you permission to send a copy to your friends and family as well. Insane!!!
UPDATE 13/1/2013 – Sorry to say but the free PDF version of the book is no longer available, I am afraid you missed your chance if you wanted to download it. It’s been available for almost a year now so I thought it was time to take it down and try selling a few copies instead.
But enough of me going on and on, let’s get on with the competition shall we. Just answer this simple question and a copy of the book could be yours.
Seeing a face in the above image is an example of what?
A) Hypnagogia
B) Pareidolia
C)The effects of psychotropic drugs
To enter just send an email with your name and your answer, either A, B or C, to info (at) And hey if you don’t know the answer remember Google is your friend 😉 Entries are limited to one entry per email address, but feel free to enter more than once if you have additional email addresses. All correct answers will be placed into a hat and the three winners drawn at random. Competition closes on Monday 10th December, so get those answers in quick. Good luck.
* Or one of the other designs on the Store page if you really, really don’t want the Skeptical Toolkit one.
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